"to give new life to;
to endow with life or vigour;
to energize, or invigorate"
Awaken your spirit with high-speed nutrition...
What Doctors Are Saying
Fred Templeman, M.D.
XanthoMyst Plus™ consultant and medical advisor

“Vital4Lyfe™ is a health boost that could benefit almost anyone. CTFO has formulated the most effective and affordable, total health antioxidant 1-2-3-4 punch in the industry!”

Phillip Zinni III DO, FAOASM, MS, ATC,
Functional & Regenerative Medicine Chief Medical Officer
“Vital4Lyfe™ is a cornerstone foundational, immune system boosting,
reduced inflammation and oxidation, next-level product line
that is part of my daily routine; Ultimate Multi-Vitamin, Super 7™,
XanthoMyst Plus™ and GlutaMyst™ - Vital4Lyfe™ will restore your vitality for life.”

Shantel W. - Canada
"Vital4Lyfe™ has helped streamline my morning supplement routine and given me all day energy. As a Holistic Nutritional Consultant, these 4 products are all you need to feel your best and boost your immune system. Core vitamin and minerals, along with the 4 second solutions of XanthoMyst Plus and GlutaMyst, help reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar and helps cellular repair. I have lost 25 pounds and gotten rid of my brain fog. These products have given me my life back."

Barry H. - Canada
"After 4 months taking the Vital4Lyfe™ Pack, so many positive things have happened. My vision is improved, my chronic neuropathic discomfort is all but gone, I've lost 40lbs and I've resumed playing sports and exercising again for the first time in 5 years. I literally can't and won't go even a day without my V4L Pack."

Pepe G. - Mexico
"I have been using supplements for 30 years, and what I have felt with GlutaMyst™ and Vital4Life™ I have never experienced before. More energy, vitality, focus, and now I feel more agile when I walk. I feel changes in my skin, and I have only been using it for 12 days."

Debbie G. - USA
"The Vital4Life™ Pack has proven to be a great experience for my digestive health issues. Taking these products before meals has been a total game changer for me."

All of the products in our Vital4Lyfe Pack™ were
designed to synergistically work together to help you
acheive optimal health. Our commitment to excellence
extends beyond quality products; it's about ensuring
your total satisfaction. All of CTFO's products come with
a 60-day, empty-package, 100% money-back guarantee
including shipping, handling and tax.
You have absolutely no risk! So why wait?
Order now and begin to experience, next-level
health benefits, like you never have before!
Got Questions? Contact me directly. Call or text:
Jeffrey Brown
Testimonials have been edited for compliance